Ribbon Cutting Ceremony with the Amityville Chamber of Commerce
byYAAonMay 6, 2019
A special Thank you to Town of Babylon Supervisor Rich Schaffer, Babylon Town Clerk Gerry Compitello, Receiver of Taxes Corinne DiSomma, Village of Amityville Trustee Michael O’Neill, Amityville Mayor Dennis Siry, Chief of Staff Brendan Cunningham, NY State Assemblywoman Kimberly Jean-Pierre and the Amityville Chamber of Commerce for sharing in our celebration of 47 years of community offerings and yoga education.
152 Merrick Road
Proclamation from the Village of Amityville Mayor Dennis Siri
Town of Babylon Supervisor Rich Schaffer, Receiver of Taxes Corinne DiSomma, Babylon Town Clerk Gerry Compitello, Amityville Village Trustee Michael O’Neill, Amityville Chamber of Commerce, and Yoga Anand Ashram board members and teachers.
Kathe with very large scissors in her hands!
Supervisor Rich Schaffer, Receiver of Taxes Corinne DiSomma, Babylon Town Clerk Gerry Compitello giving us a very warm reception and heartfelt words.
Chief of Staff, Brendan Cunningham representing NY State Assemblywoman Kimberly Jean-Pierre
Babylon Town Clerk Gerry Compitello sharing warm words about a dear friend of the ashram.
Village Trustee Michael O’Neill representing Mayor Dennis Siry with Amityville Chamber of Commerce Members, Supervisor Rich Schaffer and Corinne DiSomma
Yoga Anand Ashram’s Director Kathe Jeremiah
Listening and laughing about the 47 year history of the ashram.